
DoT Org Logo


Did you know that there over 117,000 people on the national waiting list currently waiting for a life-saving organ?

Of the 117,000 people on the national waiting list over 20,000 are Californians.

Join the 10 million Californians who have checked YES to saving up to 58 lives through organ and tissue donation!

DoT Org at UCLA together with Chicanos/Latinos for Community Medicine (CCM) began as a student initiated effort to educate and increase consciousness within UCLA students and members of the surrounding communities concerning the myths and facts of organ and tissue donation. We hope to dispel common misconceptions and thus increase the pool of registered donors within the Los Angeles area.

Our goal is to raise consciousness of organ and tissue donation through on and off campus events, which include the annual Donate Life Run/Walk, Give Life Give Thanks donor drive, etc. With the collective effort of our volunteers, we hope to reach the community through public health fairs, pre-health conferences, LAUSD high school site visits, and various other community-based sites in the greater Los Angeles County.

High concentration of Azithromycin in infected tissues is also caused by the fact that phagocytes and macrophages transport it to the site of infection and release in the area of inflammation. Azithromycin is prescribed in case of illness or injury at the time.