New Liver, New Life… My Story
It was March 2010, and after a blood test came back abnormal, I had additional blood work. The doctor was calling with the results. I was to head straight to the emergency room. My life as I knew it would never be the same.
Fast forward to late June, a visit to my doctor would reveal more news that hit me like a ton of rocks. “That’s it, bottom line Pablo: you need a new liver yesterday! Go home and enjoy your time with your wife, kids and family and we’ll call you.” Wow, I knew I was sick… but death?
Once I got home, my mother in-law began to read scripture and as we were deep in prayer, my wife interrupted and asked me to come to the patio to eat. Not two bites into my sandwich and my emotional roller coaster would take off again.
We needed to be at the hospital in 20 minutes. My wife and I stared at each other and knew that everything was going to be just fine. It’s funny, I didn’t know it then, but that day would mark the beginning of a beautiful second chance at life… God is great!