Brittany Crawford lived without fear and loved to have fun. It was in that spirit that she went bowling with her friends on April 1, 2012. Unfortunately, while on the way home that night, Brittany suffered fatal injuries in a car accident. She was rushed to the hospital, but was declared brain dead. As her parents began processing what had happened, Lenore remembered that Brittany had told her she wanted to be an organ donor. So they saw that her daughter’s wishes were carried out.
Brittany’s parents soon learned her generous gifts would save the lives of four people. But Brittany’s legacy doesn’t stop there. After losing his daughter, Keith learned that African Americans are more likely to suffer from diseases that lead to organ failure than any other race. So he and Lenore started Give Life, Save Life: The Brittany Crawford Foundation, a nonprofit organization focused on education and awareness of organ donation in the African American Community.
Keith also volunteers his time as a Donate Life Ambassador, talking at various venues, including Bay Area high schools, about the life-saving importance of registering to be an organ, eye and tissue donor. Keith says many people “let fear and ignorance prevent them from making an informed decision about the importance of organ donation.”
“Sharing the story of Brittany and educating others takes some of the grief away, yet at times it is used as a form of therapy,” says Keith. “At the end of the day, organ donation saves lives.”
High concentration of Azithromycin in infected tissues is also caused by the fact that phagocytes and macrophages transport it to the site of infection and release in the area of inflammation. Azithromycin is prescribed in case of illness or injury at the time.