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Already A Donor? There Are More Ways to Help

Signing up as an organ and tissue donor is a first, and a heroic, step towards saving lives. Being a donor allows you to save 8 and change up to 75 lives. But you might be looking for more ways to help.

Once you’ve signed up if you’re looking for more ways to help support organ donation and increasing the Donate Life California registry consider a few of the below. Some will take time or money, but most of them just take you sharing your story of why you decided to become a donor.

Talk to Your Family & Friends

After you’ve decided to become an organ donor a great way to support the cause is to talk to your friends and family about your decision. Starting this conversation with the people close to you helps bring organ donation to the front of their minds. Talking to with them about why you made your decision might just encourage them to sign up as well. And for them to share their own story, creating a ripple effect of supporting organ donation.

On top of sharing your support for organ donation, these conversations can help ensure your family knows your wishes if the situation will arise. Even when you’re on the donor registry it’s still important for your family to know what’s important for you if a time comes to make a decision.

What are ways you can help support organ donation? Find out how you can help.

Great Ways To Help Is By Sharing Your Story

Telling family and friends why you decided to become an organ donor is a great step but how can you go bigger? Think about ways to share your story beyond just your family.

Take a few minutes and create a social media post in support of organ donation and why you are a donor. Pop over to our Facebook page and feel free to share any of our images or stories.

Has donation touched your life in ways more than just signing up as a donor? Consider sharing that with a group you’re involved in. With a class you’re taking. Or with your co-workers.

Telling the story of why donation is important to you and why you signed up as a donor to encourage others to follow in your footsteps.What are ways you can help support organ donation? Find out how you can help.

Help Others Register

A great way to help us increase the donor registry is hosting an eCampaign. What’s that? It’s a free tool that allows you to promote organ donation to your community and help register donors.

With just a few steps you can share your campaign on social media or email it out to your connections. Find out about starting an eCampaign today!What are ways you can help support organ donation? Find out how you can help.

Become A Volunteer

Get beyond your own network and volunteer to share about the impact organ donation can save lives within your community. Consider becoming a Donate Life Ambassador. You can represent Donate Life at community events, local DMV offices, and during presentations. Learn how you can volunteer with Donate Life.What are ways you can help support organ donation? Find out how you can help.

Make A Donation

Another way to continue to support Donate Life California and our efforts to increase the donor registry is making a financial contribution. Your gifts, of any size, help us reach more individuals around the state on why it is important for them to join the registry. As well as helping us to thank and honor donors and their families.

If you’re considering supporting Donate Life California with a gift click here for more information. You can also consider selecting Donate Life California as your Amazon Smile recipient, where you can shop like normal and support organ donation!