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Donate Life California Announces 2014 Donate Life Rose Parade Float Floragraph Honoree

SAN DIEGO, Calif., Oct. 22, 2013 – Donate Life California announces Joshua Christopher San Pedro as its 2014 Donate Life Rose Parade Float floragraph honoree. Josh’s image will shine brightly as one of the 81 memorial floragraphs that will “Light Up the World” on the 11th annual Donate Life Float. Each year, floragraph portraits on the float honor the gifts of life given by deceased organ and tissue donors.

Joshua San Pedro 1

Joshua San Pedro

Josh became a tissue donor after he passed away suddenly on Friday, April 19, 2013 at the age of 22. He had signed up to give the gift of life after the gift of tissue helped him recover from a knee injury suffered while playing football at Alta Loma High School. Joshua underwent three operations including a knee cap replacement from an allograft. Because of the gift he received, Joshua wanted to give back. He did so by registering to be an organ and tissue donor, and later working as an EMT and attending paramedic school.

After Joshua’s decision to be a donor was honored, his family soon learned that his donated tissue was used in the breast reconstruction for a breast cancer survivor, to preserve a limb for a bone cancer patient, and in the healing of a cleft palate.

Of Joshua, his family says, “Even if his time here was short, he did so much good. It is not the length of our days, but how they are spent, and Josh spent his well.” Read more about Joshua here.

PrintThe Rose Parade is seen by tens of millions of people across the U.S. and around the world on New Year’s Day. To read about all of the floragraph memorials on the 2014 Donate Life Rose Parade float, click here. To read the full news release, click here.

Brianne Mundy

High concentration of Azithromycin in infected tissues is also caused by the fact that phagocytes and macrophages transport it to the site of infection and release in the area of inflammation. Azithromycin is prescribed in case of illness or injury at the time.

Donate Life California Sponsors Former State Senator Sharon Runner on 2014 Donate Life Rose Parade Float

SAN DIEGO, Calif., Oct. 15, 2013 – Former California State Senator Sharon Runner will “Light Up the World” with 29 other organ and tissue transplant recipients on the 2014 Donate Life Rose Parade Float. Sharon represents Donate Life California as a rider on the 11th annual Donate Life Float as it travels along the 5-mile parade route through Pasadena on New Year’s Day.R275A_SharonRunner

At age 30, Sharon was diagnosed with Sclerodoma, a disease that affects the lungs. More than 20 years later, while serving in the State Assembly in 2006, she began having trouble breathing at higher elevations. Her doctors discovered she had lost nearly 60 percent of her lung capacity and would need to travel with portable oxygen. She was also told she would need a double-lung transplant within five years. Despite the diagnosis, she continued to serve in the assembly, and in 2011 was elected to the State Senate. But, her health took a turn for the worse later that year – a tracheotomy left her unable to speak. In February 2012, her prayers were answered and she received a double-lung transplant.

“I am so grateful to the family of the 36-year-old woman who determined to donate her lungs,” she said. “My son was 35 then, and I was heartbroken to think what losing my own son would have meant.”

Read more about Sharon Runner and her transplant journey here.

The Rose Parade is seen by tens of millions of people across the U.S. and around the world on New Year’s Day. To meet all of the organ and tissue transplant recipients who will be riding on the 2014 Donate Life Rose Parade float, click here. To read the full news release, click here.

Brianne Mundy
Donate Life California

High concentration of Azithromycin in infected tissues is also caused by the fact that phagocytes and macrophages transport it to the site of infection and release in the area of inflammation. Azithromycin is prescribed in case of illness or injury at the time.

Governor Jerry Brown Signs Bill Ensuring Organ & Tissue Donation in Coroners’ Cases

CSCA Logo - colorSAN DIEGO, Calif., Sept. 24, 2013 – Governor Jerry Brown today signed a bill into law that will help Donate Life California, the state’s four organ procurement organizations (OPOs), and the county coroner and medical examiner offices ensure that a donor’s intent is honored and more lives are saved by organ and tissue transplantation.

AB 1297 (Pérez, 2013) recognizes and clarifies in the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act the relationship between the federally authorized OPOs and the coroners in what is known as “imminent” coroner jurisdiction cases. Because there is a very narrow time window between the declaration of death and the commencement of organ recovery by the OPO, it is vitally important that the coroner and the OPO work together. AB 1297 codifies the technical aspect of that partnership to ensure that both entities carry out their respective missions.

“More than 10 million Californians have said “YES!” to organ and tissue donation. By signing AB 1297, Governor Brown supports our state’s organ and tissue recovery personnel in fulfilling their legal obligation to honor a donor’s wishes,” said Lisa Stocks, president of Donate Life California. “California’s OPOs have wonderful working relationships with the many coroners across the state and we are grateful for their help in the organ and tissue recovery process.”

“We greatly appreciate the opportunity to work with Donate Life California and the legislature to pass this bill,” said Gregory Wyatt, President of the California State Coroners Association. “It helps ensure all efforts are made to honor a donor’s wish and save lives while helping us meet our important responsibility to confirm cause of death.”

Right now, more than 21,000 people in California are on the national organ transplant waiting list. These people will die without a life-saving transplant. Donate Life California’s mission is to save lives by inspiring people to sign up with the state organ and tissue donor registry.

About Donate Life California:
The Donate Life California Organ & Tissue Donor Registry is the nonprofit, state-authorized organ and tissue donor registry which records the decision to donate in a secure, confidential database that is searched by authorized organ and tissue recovery personnel at the time of an actual donation opportunity. It is administered by Donate Life California and California’s four nonprofit, federally designated organ recovery organizations: Donor Network West , Lifesharing, OneLegacy and Sierra Donor Services. For more information about the Donate Life California Registry, how donation saves and improves lives, and to sign up, please visit www.donateLIFEcalifornia.org or www.doneVIDAcalifornia.org.

Brianne Mundy
Program Manager
Donate Life California

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High concentration of Azithromycin in infected tissues is also caused by the fact that phagocytes and macrophages transport it to the site of infection and release in the area of inflammation. Azithromycin is prescribed in case of illness or injury at the time.