In the winter of 2004, Cathleen Yang was three months pregnant when she was told that she had cardiomyopathy. With the child growing inside her, the doctors told her the strain of pregnancy and birth would endanger her life. Being Catholic and taught to value life, she decided to proceed with the pregnancy. A pacemaker/defibrillator (ICD) was placed in her chest just after her son was born; it was implanted just in time. Little did she know that the ICD would fire in excess of a 100 times over the next six months. Her heart was failing.
Eleven years ago in January of 2006, Cathleen received a heart transplant. With many thanks to her donor and their family, that heart has given Cathleen the chance to live and celebrate the wonder of life. Not only her life, but that of the baby she brought into this world only six months after her diagnosis. That heart has extended her years together with her family and has given us all the chance to appreciate what had be given to her.
On January 7, 2017, we celebrate her being here 50 years with the ones she loves and with a greater appreciation of the Donate Life program. If you would like to register to be a life-saving donor in Cathleen’s name, please click on the link below.