Current Legislation

AB 466 (Solache) Public postsecondary education: student orientation

This bill would, as a part of campus orientation, require the Trustees of the California State University and request the Regents of the University of California to provide, for all campuses of their respective segments, and require each campus of the California Community Colleges to provide, educational information about Donate Life California and the Donate Life California Organ and Tissue Donor Registry to all incoming students. To the extent that the bill would impose new duties on community college districts, it would constitute a state-mandated local program.

Link to more resources coming soon

Past Legislation

AB 1268 (Irwin) Franchise Tax Board: returns: organ donor elections and data sharing.

Donate Life California is overjoyed to announce the successful passage of groundbreaking legislation that promises to revolutionize organ donation in our state. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who supported this cause and helped make this legislation a reality. A special thank you to Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks), for making it all possible and being a champion for our cause. Your commitment to saving lives is truly inspiring.

Stay tuned as we share more details about how this legislation will change the landscape of organ donation in California. Together, we’re making a difference.

Summary: This bill would require the Franchise Tax Board to revise the California resident income tax return to include a check box for an individual taxpayer who self-prepares the taxpayer’s return to elect to be an organ donor with Donate Life California and would require the Franchise Tax Board to annually send that information to Donate Life California with respect to an individual taxpayer who has elected to be an organ donor.

Link to press release: