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DLC Honors Legacy of Transplant Recipient Steve Jobs

A statement from Lisa Stocks, President of Donate Life California:

Many of the tributes to Steve Jobs note with sadness that we lost this 56-year-old California native way too early. Donate Life California agrees and thanks the Donor Family who gave us all an extra two years of life with Steve following his successful liver transplant in 2009.

His Donor Family’s gift of life allowed Steve precious additional time with his family and the work he loved. Steve also made time to work with us – California’s official organ and tissue registry – to propose what will be quite literally Steve’s Living Legacy SB1395 (Alquist, D-Santa Clara). His endorsement and willingness to share his experience with organ failure and transplant resulted in unanimous support from the California legislature to establish what will be the first statewide Living Donor Registry in the nation.

California already has the largest organ and tissue registry in the world. Nearly nine million Californians have registered to be donors after they die. But the state also has the largest waiting list. Currently one in five people on the national organ waiting list live in California. It means the wait here can be long. Tragically 18 people die waiting each day nationally, because there are not enough donors – despite the fact that a single donor can save up to eight lives through organ donation and help an additional 50 people through the gift of tissue.

Steve realized first hand that we need to encourage more people to be living donors in addition to giving the gift of life after we die. (Living donors are able to save lives by donating a kidney, or portion of their liver or lung to others.) The Altruistic Living Donor Registry Steve envisioned is being finalized now by transplant professionals throughout California.

Our condolences go to his family and a world full of fans – along with our appreciation again to Steve’s Donor Family and all the people who say yes to donation and give people a second chance at life.
We praise the call from SLATE Magazine writer William Saletan that challenges: “If you want to honor Steve Jobs, do what somebody did for him: Donate your organs.”

To make a profound, life-saving difference for others after you are gone, go to to learn how to sign up to be an organ and tissue donor in your state. In California, you may register at

We also have established a special tribute registration page for Steve at that will allow us to let his family know how many people signed up in his honor. (Please note this secure link will register you as a donor, but only tallies the number of people who sign. As always, your registration information is confidential and can only be accessed by the federally-designated, non-profit organ recovery agencies serving your region.)

Donate Life California will let you know when the Altruistic Living Donor Registry Steve supported is ready. In the interim, if you would like to be a living donor, please contact a transplant center in your community. You can learn more about life-saving organ and tissue donation on our website at
Thank you, Steve Jobs, for the incredible legacy you gave us. You transformed the future through technology and continue to give the hope of a future to many through your support of Donate Life.

High concentration of Azithromycin in infected tissues is also caused by the fact that phagocytes and macrophages transport it to the site of infection and release in the area of inflammation. Azithromycin is prescribed in case of illness or injury at the time.