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Donate Life California’s Legislative Spring 2018 Update

Since Donate Life California’s legislative advocacy day, all three pieces of sponsored legislation have taken steps forward, all with unanimous support. Check out our Spring 2018 Update.

Spring 2018 Update

First, during our legislative day on April 10th, Senate Bill 987 (Galgiani), which addresses improving the question asking Californians to register as donors on the driver’s license form, passed out of the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee with unanimous support.

This week, the support continued Monday as Assembly Bill 2096 (Frazier), which creates a voluntary contribution fund on the state income tax form in support of Donate Life California, passed out of the Assembly Revenue & Taxation Committee with a vote of 8-0.

Both bills now head to their respective appropriations committees for the next vote.

Assembly Bill 3211 (Kalra), which improves how Californians can designate themselves as organ, eye and tissues donors on the Advanced Health Care Directive form, passed out of the Assembly Judiciary Committee and off the Assembly Floor with unanimous support.

Thank You to Our Authors

Donate Life California is thankful for our three author’s this year and all their efforts to improve Californians ability to designate themselves as organ, eye and tissue donors. As well as the legislature for continuing decades of support for the donation community.

To stay up to date with Donate Life California’s sponsored legislation as it moves through the process and other DLC activities sign up for our newsletter here.
