“I realized that Paul performed the ultimate act of kindness when he put that pink dot on his license. It designated him as willing to give of himself as his last act on this earth.”
Organ Donor Registration Day
What can YOU make possible?
Sign up to save lives – Click on the pink “Sign Up” dot above to register your decision to be an organ, eye and tissue donor today!
Organ Donor Registration Day is brought to you by the mighty sunflower.
Sunflowers, like organ donors, have the potential to give life. Each sunflower’s face contains as many as 2,000 seeds that can create an entirely new field of flowers. One organ donor can save the lives of up to eight people and heal countless others with tissue donation.
Fast Facts
Only 43% of people in California are registered organ, eye and tissue donors.
ALL major religions support or permit organ, eye and tissue donation.
Anyone can register to be a donor regardless of age, ethnicity or medical history.
At the hospital, the number one priority is to save your life.
Stories of Hope

“Our son Rex has given me a new purpose in life. The gifts I received from strangers made all the difference in whether or not I lived and ultimately gave me the opportunity to become a mother.”

“He has grown from being a toddler to a little boy since the transplant. Being a donor or donating a loved one’s organs is the greatest gift you can give.”