As the youngest of three brothers, Alfonso Garcia, always thought he’d follow in their footsteps by boxing at the amateur level and perhaps joining the military.
But following a workout in the ring on January 23, 2010, Alfonso grew sick. Eventually, the whites of the 15-year-old’s eyes and his skin changed to a mustard yellow color. He was tired and couldn’t get up out of bed. Why, his parents asked, had their normally healthy son suddenly grown so sick?
Doctors didn’t know, and once they found the answer, it wasn’t one any parent would want to hear. A previously undiscovered genetic disorder caused Alfonso’s liver to suddenly shut down. Without a liver transplant, the Northern California high school student would likely die in days.
From his hospital bed, Alfonso told his shaken father, Oscar, he wanted a priest to administer the last sacraments. Would anyone step forward to save the life of this teenager?
Alfonso’s miracle came about 24 hours later.
George Becker signed up as an organ and tissue donor when he got his driver license at 16, never anticipating his life would end at 22 as the result of a sinus infection. His liver would save Alfonso’s life – and other organs rescued two others.
Today as a college student, Alfonzo is living the life he once might never have had. “I was on the edge of dying and, through a miracle, I am alive today. It’s because of a donor and his gift. I think about George every day.”
High concentration of Azithromycin in infected tissues is also caused by the fact that phagocytes and macrophages transport it to the site of infection and release in the area of inflammation. Azithromycin is prescribed in case of illness or injury at the time.