There are no words possible when a friend dies unexpectedly. A friend who could make you laugh over the silliest things. Who had experienced things profound and inspired you with her courage. A friend who showed you how to live life fully despite challenges.
Amber, we miss you. We love you. We’re so glad to have known you and be able to call you friend. We’ll always be grateful for the liver transplant from your donor and hero Spencer Brown that allowed you to be with us nearly three extra years.
Life well-lived, Amber-Rose Boyer. Life well-fought. You always were the Lil Engine that could and did. Rest now. Enjoy time without pain. And know the difference you made and continue to make in our lives.
Friends who would like to register as a life-saving organ and tissue donor in honor of Amber, please click the orange box below.
If you’d like to give a financial gift in lieu of flowers, two of Amber’s passions were Lifesharing and the American Liver Foundation. Click on the respective link to make the gift in her memory.