May 1, 2000 to February 16, 2012
Anthony was being a typical 11-year-old boy, playing in Long Creek Canyon Park on a beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon, February 4, 2012. While playing with his friend, digging a tunnel to crawl through, it collapsed on them. His friend was able to get out, but unable to get Anthony out in time. This left Anthony without enough air to breathe, stopping his heart.
Due to the CPR efforts of Temecula police and fire getting his heart pumping again, the staff at Rady Children’s Hospital’s never-give-up approach, and a lot of prayer, he was able to give the chance for life to many others through organ donation. He was not meant to survive that day. Our prayed for miracle was Anthony being brought back long enough for us to gather as family, friends and a community to say goodbye, and to make the decision to give what Anthony would no longer use, his organs.
Anthony was adventurous, loved playing baseball, riding his motorcycle and anything outdoors. He was kind, empathetic and giving, which made the decision for organ donation even easier. He brought joy and happiness to his family and friends and gathered a community together in faith and hope. We will always remember his laugh and his smile, and most of all his great hugs.
Remember: Things are just ‘things’, time ticks away fast, encounters can be brief but meaningful, interactions can change you, and memories of the time you spend with others will never go away, make that time spent a priority.