The gift of life, a second life that lasted 31 years, was given to my sister Martha Lugo in 1980. The doctors at Harbor UCLA successfully transplanted my right kidney into the body of my sister. It was such a happy moment for all the family to see my sister’s new kidney working. No more long days going to get dialysis.
With the second opportunity to a healthy life, my sister was able to have a normal, healthy life. She married, had the opportunity to have a son, she traveled, and she saw her son grow up.
As for me, In 1983 I was able to get pregnant and have a normal pregnancy after donating the right kidney to my sister. My son was born on August 10th, 1984, a healthy 8lb baby.
Donation can be given while we are alive; the donation does not have to be given until we move on to heaven. Consider becoming a living donor.
Cathy Mora
El regalo de vida, una segunda oportunidad de vivir que duro 31 anos. Ese regalo le fue dada a mi hermana Martha Lugo en 1980. Los doctores de Harbor UCLA triunfantemente transplantaron mi rinon derecho en el cuerpo de mi Hermana. Fue un momento muy Feliz para toda la familia cuando el Nuevo rinon de mi Hermana empeso a trabajar. No mas largos dias de hir a dialysis.
Con la segunda opportunidad de una vida saludable, mi Hermana pudo tener una vida normal y saludable. Ella se caso, tubo la opportunidad de tener un hijo, ella pudo viajar, y vio a su hijo crecer.
Yo en 1983 me enbaraze y tube un embarazo normal despues de haber donado el rinon derecho a mi Hermana. Mi hijo nacio en Agosto 10, d3e 1984, un bebe muy saludable que peso 8lb.
La donacion de organos se puede hacer en vida, no tenemos que esperar hasta que estemos en el cielo para poder donar organos. Considere la donacion en vida.
Cathy Mora
High concentration of Azithromycin in infected tissues is also caused by the fact that phagocytes and macrophages transport it to the site of infection and release in the area of inflammation. Azithromycin is prescribed in case of illness or injury at the time.