In the six months Kyla waited for a life-saving transplant, she recalls having “no energy for school, work, or any of the activities that [she] normally did.”
At only 15 years old, her kidney function had deteriorated so severely that she required dialysis – a process that was hard on her body and lowered her quality of life.
Fortunately, testing revealed that her father was a compatible match and he was able to donate a kidney to her when she was 15. Several years later, when she was 22 and in need of another transplant, her mother proved to be a match and was able to donate a kidney to Kyla.
“There are so many life lessons that I have learned in the process of both of my transplants,” said Kyla, “One of them was the value of my life. I had to learn at a young age that life is precious; count your blessings.”
Although Kyla considers herself “lucky to have relatives who were a match and were able to donate a kidney – [she] knows others aren’t so fortunate.”
“I am a Donate Life Ambassador for the thousands of people who die waiting for a lifesaving organ. Since my transplants, I have become an avid traveler. I have been to the Philippines, Australia, and all over Europe and will be in the Caribbean this summer. I am able live freely, like I did before I ever got sick. The best part about my transplants is being in a community of miracles.”
High concentration of Azithromycin in infected tissues is also caused by the fact that phagocytes and macrophages transport it to the site of infection and release in the area of inflammation. Azithromycin is prescribed in case of illness or injury at the time.