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End of Session Edition – Donate Life California Legislative Update

At the end of last month, California’s 2017 – 2018 Legislative Session officially came to a close. The Legislature itself adjourned session on August 31st and Governor Brown met his deadline to sign or veto bills on September 30th, marking the end of session. In the end, 1,016 bills were signed by the Governor and will become law. This includes two of Donate Life California’s sponsored bills.

We were lucky to have the opportunity to work with a variety of Donate Life champions in the legislature whether it was running sponsored bills, introducing resolutions in support of Donate Life Month, or taking the time to meet personally with Ambassadors.

Overall, 2018 was a successful legislative year for Donate Life California and the donation community. Two of our sponsored bills will become law, all while our opposed bills died by the end of session.

A Successful End of Session

Starting with Assembly Bill 2096 (Frazier), Donate Life California was successful in our efforts to create a voluntary contribution fund on the state income tax form. This bill was signed into law by the Governor and will allow individuals to make donations to Donate Life when they file their individual California Tax Returns. We are so proud to have the confidence and support of Assemblyman Jim Frazier in making this happen and in maximizing opportunities to continue our good work educating Californians about organ, eye, and tissue donation.

Another important Donate Life effort this year was AB 3211 (Kalra) – which improves how Californians can designate themselves as organ, eye, and tissue donors on the Advanced Health Care Directive Template Form. This bill also goes into effect in 2019 and helps filers make informed decisions regarding their decision to become donors and clarifies conflicts with end of life care and donation.

Blocking Harmful Legislation

Over the year we worked with coalitions to stop legislation that could potentially have negative impacts on donation and transplantation. We work closely with California’s organ procurement organizations to advocate for donation and transplantation issues. Ensuring legislators are aware of any unintended consequences their bills may have.

This year we were able to stop this harmful legislation or gain amendments to avoid negative impacts.

Our Work Will Continue Next Year

Long before this legislative session, State Senator Cathleen Galgiani has been a Donate Life Champion and this year specifically helped us continue our close partnership with the California DMV. Senator Galgiani and her staff have been assisting Donate Life in refining the donation question asked on DMV Forms and applications.

Celebrating the gift of time this summer.

It is important to ask the donation question in a clear and concise manner, without confusing registrants. All while providing the most comprehensive information about the important decision of becoming an organ, eye, and tissue donor. While Senate Bill 987 passed through the legislature with unanimous support, it was vetoed by the governor along will a variety of DMV related bills

We anticipate continuing to work with the Senator and our partners at the DMV to ensure these updates become a reality in the upcoming 2019 – 2020 Legislative Session.

Thank You to Our Champions

While not all of our legislative agenda was achieved by end of session, we made significant strides to improve how we ask individuals to become donors and will be increasing funding for education on organ, eye and tissue donation.

Additionally, we had the opportunity to meet with a wide variety of elected officials and their staff to continue to educate them on the issues facing the donation community.

We clearly have enjoyed the partnerships and leadership of our elected leaders and authors this year and thank them and their staff for a great year of support and hard work in making these bills and changes a reality for the Donate Life community.
