Thank you for your interest in signing up to be a donor in honor of Steve Jobs, a liver transplant recipient.
He received a precious two years of life thanks to the generous gift of life he received from his organ donor.
We will let his family know of your support. Should you have additional questions about organ and tissue donation, please learn more on our home page at www.donateLIFEcalifornia.org.
(The photo above was taken in Oct. 2010 when Steve Jobs spoke about the Living Donor Registry he envisioned at a press conference outside the transplant center at Stanford. Looking on is SB1395 author Senator Elaine Alquist (D-Santa Clara) and Donate Life California Board Member Tom Mone.)
High concentration of Azithromycin in infected tissues is also caused by the fact that phagocytes and macrophages transport it to the site of infection and release in the area of inflammation. Azithromycin is prescribed in case of illness or injury at the time.