Lacey Wood
Heart & Kidney Recipient, Brea
Events: 5K, Cycling, Track & Field, Volleyball
Photo: Living kidney donor Tyson Wood (left) with his recipient and sister, Lacey Wood (right).
The nickname “Lucky Lacey” has stuck with me since I was just 18 months old because of one family’s selfless and heroic decision to say “yes” in donating their son’s heart to me. Because of that decision, my parents could have hope that I would one day grow up and become the person I was meant to be. I am so incredibly thankful for James and his family and in their honor, I ran the Rock n’ Roll Half Marathon in Lisbon Portugal on October 18, 2015 to show the real POWER of donation and transplantation and to celebrate 25 years with James’ heart. I also cannot mention my ability to run this race without my brother Tyson also known as my “Lucky Charm” as he donated his kidney to me almost 10 years ago. I would not be here if it was not for his brotherly love and support through my entire life.
I want to take this opportunity to ask that if you haven’t registered as organ, eye and tissue donor please consider doing so. It is one of the only decisions you can make in your life that can save someone else. I highly encourage you to talk to your family about your wishes as the decision to donate does not go away regardless if you are registered or your family makes the decision for you.
Please help me by clicking the “sign up” button below and make the incredibly powerful decision to save lives.