Organ and Tissue Donation – Pass on Your Love
“Be able to give all that is difficult to give up: fortune, loved ones, and country. Whether inside or outside the Dharma, there is nothing to be stingy about: be willing to bestow all to others: your head, your eyes, your marrow, your brain.” These are familiar teachings from the Sutra of Measureless Meanings, but they actually convey a state of challenge in Great Giving.”
Ancient Chinese teaching clearly tell us, “The body, down to hair and skin, is a gift from our parents, so we must cherish and not damage it.” Yet, the Still Thoughts states, “ If life, there is no right of ownership, but only the privilege of use. Thus whether we’re alive or after our passing, we must properly and fully make good use of our bodies from birth, throughout our growth, and in death. We should transform whatever unutilized into the greatly utilized. This ideal has manifested precisely through Tzu Chi Medical Mission’s more than two-decades endeavor to fulfill the Buddha’s teaching, by campaigning for diverse organ and tissue donation.
High concentration of Azithromycin in infected tissues is also caused by the fact that phagocytes and macrophages transport it to the site of infection and release in the area of inflammation. Azithromycin is prescribed in case of illness or injury at the time.