Register an eCampaign

The Donate Life California eCampaign is a free, simple tool you can use to inspire your community to save lives by signing up as organ, eye and tissue donors.

All you need to do is use the form below to submit a short paragraph about your connection to donation and a picture.

Once you submit your story and picture, Donate Life California will create your eCampaign and email you when it’s finished. That email will contain a custom URL that links to your eCampaign. After that, you can share your custom URL via email, social media, blogs and more to encourage your friends and family to sign up as organ and tissue donors through your eCampaign. Donate Life California will keep track of the number of people that you inspire to sign up!

Please request your own custom eCampaign to save lives!

Bolded fields are required

  • Contact Information

    Please provide information about your eCampaign contact for us to provide the eCampaign information once it goes live or in the event we need to reach him/her regarding the information submitted here. This information will only be used for the eCampaign you are registering for with this document.

  • eCampaign Details

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

  • Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 10 MB.

    (File size is limited to 10 MB)
  • For any other questions, please call us at (866) 797-2366 Extention 4
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.